Monday, April 13, 2015

7 Secrets of Happiness

Sharing this post via:
1. Have a good core group of friends.

2. Build some adventure into your life. Don’t fall into “the same old, same old”.

3. Research confirms that “stuff won’t make us happy” so clear out the junk – and only keep what you love.

4. Work on establishing balance in your life. Don’t be too busy or you’ll wind up depressed.

5. Give in to temptation every now and again. Too much discipline is boring in the end.

6. Like and appreciate yourself. Take time to notice and affirm your strengths.

7. Start living in the moment – don’t doubt every move. Accept your decision as the best one right now

Sunday, April 12, 2015

New Keurig 2.0 From Influenster

OMG ... Where do I start???? When I was selected to receive this magnificent machine, I was floored. This machine is an art of beauty and its built to brew a single cup or an entire K-Carafe. It's easy to put together and it came with plenty of tea and coffee samples. I haven't had the opportunity to try all of them yet, but I will be putting them to good use. I must say my favorite thus far is the Starbucks Pike Place Roast. It only took seconds for the machine to heat up the water, and start brewing. It even cares enough to say "Enjoy" at the end of the brew. The touch screen is easy to operate. You don't have to press to hard, or worry about your fingers hitting the wrong option.  Whats even better is the LED lighting, makes its possible to see it in the dark. Its not a bulky machine and fits conveniently in the corner of any kitchen. I must say Keurig, you out did yourselves when you created the Keurig 2.0. That's what its all about, reinventing your brand and making it better than before. I love it. 😁



Easter Sunday!

Hello All! I've decided to incorporate a different blog post from my normal. Over the last couple of years, I've become a serious thrifter and I have found a lot of  great items. I will be posting outfits that will either be completely thrifted or mostly thrifted. Below are photos that I took on Easter 4/5/15. Let's just say ... I love LEOPARD :)  Hope you enjoy!

Blazer: Thrift Store
Pants: Thrift Store
Shoes: X-Mas Gift
Tank Top: Forever 21

Post from Tumblr.

We live in an age where we feel guilt whenever we have to cut someone off but the reality is that some relationships do need to die, some people do need to be unfollowed and defriended. We aren’t meant to be this tethered to the people in our past. The Internet mandates that we don’t burn bridges and keep everyone around like relics but those expectations are unrealistic and unhealthy. Simply put, we don’t need to know what everyone else is up to. We’re allowed to be choosy about who we surround ourselves with online and in real life, even if it might hurt people’s feelings.
— Ryan O’ConnellYou Don’t Have To Be Friends With Everybody

HIATUS ... If I Do Say So Myself!

April 12, 2015


My name is Carla and I've been on a 3 year hiatus (*exaggeration*) ... so it feels. In all honesty, I've been out of touch with one of the things that I found enjoyable, and that's BLOGGING! Not only that, but the simple opportunity to connect with other like minded individuals is something that I missed most. So I'M BACK!!! Ready to pick up where I left off. Hopefully the enjoyable bloggers I follow are still around. If not, I know there is space to find those of the new. Either way, i'll be here posting just like before. 

I've grown so much over the last 2 years and things have changed for the better. No, I didn't get married, have kids, or any of the other normal things people do, lol. But I have been blessed in lots of areas, that I may not even realize as blessings in this very moment. Now, as to why I didn't log in to and post my thoughts, inspirations, etc, etc  .... well there are tons of excuses for that, in which I don't really have the energy to type. No one likes excuses anyway! :)

Until next time .... Peace, Love, and Blessings. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Prayer For Today

Father God, you are awesome, you are mighty and you are strong. Thank you for the breath of life this morning. Thank you for giving me another chance to get it right. I pray for those who are sick and shut in. I pray for those who are depressed and feel like there world is ending. I pray for those who are being bullied and manipulated. I pray for those who are simply being misguided. I ask that you cover them in the name of Jesus. I pray that you restore their faith and heal their wounds. I pray that you show them that you are mighty and you will never leave nor forsake them. Send your angels to cover them as they go throughout this day you've created. Allow me to be a blessing to someone, allow me to be a reflection of your image father. I pray to be more and more like you. In this humble prayer, I pray. AMEN